

Grechetto is a grape of, predictably, Greek origin that features primarily in the vineyards of Emilia Romagna and Umbria, although it also has a presence in Tuscany, and Lazio, mainly due to the region’s shared interest in the famous Orvieto DOC that spills over the Umbrian border.

Grechetto’s presence in Emilia Romagna while not new, was until recently disguised by a synonym. Until proven to be identical to Grechetto di Todi (regarded as a sub-variety) a few years ago, Pignoletto was treated as a standalone variety. The new DOC of Pignoletto was minted in 2014, and the Colli Bolognesi DOC was appended with Pignoletto and elevated to a DOCG in the same year. Grechetto is now listed as the dominant variety. However, Grechetto di Todi is quite different to Grechetto di Orvieto and considering them as the one variety is liable to be ultimately more confusing. There is currently no formal distinction made between them.

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